Ammo Quest 380 Buffalo Bore 100 grain hardcast P


Thirty-fourth in a series of a quest to find the overall best ammunition for modern micro-compact 380 ACP pistols (such as the Taurus TCP 738, the Ruger LCP, Sig P238, Beretta Pico, Kel-Tec P3AT or S W Bodyguard or any other popular 380 micro-pistol using a barrel length of around 2.8 ). • This is yet another bonus episode. While I have already published the Final video summary of the quest, there are new rounds (or rounds I've finally been able to get my hands on) that make it worth re-opening the quest. • In this installment, I am testing the Buffalo Bore 100-grain Hardcast Flatnose ammunition in .380 ACP, and also in .380 +P. • This test represents a significant departure for me, as I've previously written about why I won't test .380 +P rounds, in this blog article: • I really don't like the idea of using nonstandard ammunition, but I was convinced by a viewer to put this Buffalo Bore .380 +P ammo to the test. I do not believe it is a good idea to fire overpressure ammunition from your firearms, I believe you should adhere to published and internationally-agreed-upon standards such as those set by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturer's Institute (SAAMI), at And SAAMI has not created or established any sort of standard for .380 +P; therefore, by definition, .380 +P is a nonstandard caliber. Not only that, but the owner's manual for my .380 pistol (and the owner's manuals for virtually all .380 pistols) specifically say to only use standard ammunition, and some owner's manuals (like the Ruger LCP's) specifically forbid the use of .380 +P. • That said, I did try to figure a way to test this safely. I chose to fire the ammo out of a 9mm pistol, rather than out of a .380. That's not exactly a safe and/or sane thing to do, and I definitely don't recommend you to do this, but I figured I was in the middle of two bad choices -- either fire the ammo from a .380 pistol that is definitely not rated to handle it, or fire the ammo from a different-caliber gun which can definitely handle it, but isn't optimal for the purpose. I went with what I figured was the safer option, the 9mm pistol. • Surprisingly, the .380 ammo actually fed, fired, and cycled the action repeatedly. I wasn't expecting that. • • The results were extreme overpenetration, going 41 for the standard pressure and 45 for the +P version. • Note: I'm not making any claims for these videos other than that these are the results I achieved, in my own testing, from the stated pistol. I have no intention to make a blanket endorsement or indictment of any product, only to review and report what I found in a given instance. Obviously it is incumbent upon each individual to conduct their own research and make up their own mind about which defensive ammunition is best for their own purposes, in their own firearms. Also keep in mind that individual firearms can be persnickety; my TCP may feed a particular round consistently whereas your TCP might jam on those rounds, so -- please conduct your own testing before trusting any particular ammo. • • Finally -- note that the purpose of this testing is not to try to establish that a .380 is just as good as pistols in the major calibers (9mm, 10mm, 357 Mag, 357 Sig, .40, .45, etc). Of course it isn't and never will be; those other cartridges all contain much more power than the .380 does. What I'm trying to establish is: are there any rounds out there for the .380 that can reliably deliver the penetration (with expansion) that has been documented and proven necessary in order for the bullet to be able to reach the vital organs of an attacker and deliver an incapacitating hit? That's all. You would always be better armed with a bigger caliber. But the question I'm exploring here is: if you've already chosen to carry a .380 micro-pistol (for whatever your personal reasons), what ammo will make it most effective? • *** NEW *** • For those who don't understand why the 12 penetration distance is so important, please see my blog entries on the subject: • • • • • Subscribe to the channel here to see the rest of the episodes in this series, as well as other ammo tests and equipment reviews. And check out the blog at


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