TOEFL Speaking Question 1 SAMPLE Answer TEMPLATE and BEST Tips


🚀 GET YOUR TOEFL MATERIALS HERE: Templates, Sample Answers, Courses More 👉 (Ad) • I answer a practice question for task 1 in TOEFL Speaking. The question I answer is a choice question. After that I give you tips how you can get a high TOEFL Speaking score in task 1. Getting a high score is no magic. If you practice speaking several times and if you know how to express your ideas, you can do it. Use this question to practice for task1 in TOEFL Speaking. • 💬 More TOEFL Speaking SAMPLE ANSWERS: • TOEFL Speaking Practice Task 1 - FULL Sample Answer:    • TOEFL Speaking Practice Task 1 - FULL...   • TOEFL Speaking Practice Task 2 - Oxford Student Answers Question:    • TOEFL Speaking Practice Task 2 - Oxfo...   • TOEFL Speaking Practice Task 3:    • TOEFL Speaking Practice Task 3   • TOEFL Speaking Practice Task 4:    • TOEFL Speaking Practice Task 4   • 🎬 More videos for you: • TOEFL Speaking Template:    • TOEFL Speaking Template - QUICKLY Imp...   • TOEFL Speaking - How to Take Notes:    • TOEFL Speaking - How to Take Notes - ...   • FYI • The examples I use in the video are made up by me. • 1) Answer the question • In task 1 in TOEFL Speaking you must answer the question directly. If the question asks you which option is better you must decide for one option and talk about that. Do not say that sometimes one side is better and sometimes the other. This is not what you are asked to do in a choice question in task 1 in TOEFL Speaking. You are asked to pick a side and explain why you think that side is better. It is very important that you answer the question directly because this way you show that you understand what the question asks you to do. • 2) Use a template • I highly recommend using a TOEFL Speaking Template. Using a template can improve your TOEFL Speaking score considerably. First, a template gives your answer structure. Second, a template usually contains a broad range of vocabulary which will result in a high TOEFL Speaking score. Third, a template saves you a lot of time because you do not need to think about how to start your sentences. If you memorize a Speaking template, you already know that and you can focus on the task at hand. This is extremely important because you do not have much time in TOEFL Speaking. If you want to have a TOEFL Speaking template have a look at the one I created for my TOEFL Speaking task 1. You can find the link above. • 3) Structure your answer • When doing TOEFL Speaking task 1 you should use a specific structure. Use an introduction, a transition, and after that state your two reasons and examples. Stick to this structure because this way you make sure that you deliver a well-structured and clear answer. This will improve your TOEFL Speaking score considerably. A TOEFL Speaking template can help you structure what you are saying. Make sure that you memorize the Speaking template before taking the TOEFL so that you will not have to think about the structure during your TOEFL test. Use this structure during your TOEFL Speaking preparation so that you will feel comfortable in the TOEFL test. • 4) Use transitions • In TOEFL Speaking task 1 using transitions can boost your score significantly. Transitions boost your TOEFL Speaking score for several reasons. First, they show that you have a broad range of vocabulary. Second, they help you deliver a well-structured answer. In short, transitions are a great tool to get a high TOEFL Speaking score! Use transitions when practicing for TOEFL Speaking. If you get used to them during your TOEFL preparation, it will be a lot easier for you to remember and use them in the TOEFL test. • 5) Use synonyms • In my answer for task 1 in TOEFL Speaking I used a lot of synonyms. Using synonyms improves your TOEFL Speaking score considerably because it shows ETS that you know a lot of different English words. • 6) Choose the easier side • When answering task 1 in TOEFL Speaking choose the side where you can find more reasons and examples. There is no correct answer. ETS is only interested in how you speak in English. Therefore, you should pick the side that is easier for you. You want to feel comfortable when doing task 1 in TOEFL Speaking. Choosing the easier side helps you delivering a good answer in TOEFL Speaking task 1. • TIMESTAMPS • 0:00 - TOEFL Speaking Practice Task 1 • 00:27 - Question • 01:36 - My answer • 02:34 - #1 Answer the question • 03:19 - #2 Use a template • 05:55 - #3 Structure your answer • 08:07 - #4 Use transitions • 09:57 - #5 Use synonyms • 11:01 - #6 Choose the easier side • INSTAGRAM:   /   • Disclaimer - My advice on this channel is based on my personal experience taking the TOEFL. I do not guarantee TOEFL scores. My aim is to present information as accurately as possible, but mistakes may occur. • I believe that education is the key to achieving your goals. I am proud to help students all over the world. • #TOEFLSpeakingPractice #TOEFLSpeaking #TOEFL


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