Chris Rea La Passione 1996
Set in 1961, 'La Passione' tells the story of a young boy whose Italian immigrant father struggles to earn living in England making ice-cream. • His father and uncles tell him of the homeland he comes from, where the 'grey skies turn to blue'. • They sit, in April of 1961, and watch the Monaco Grand Prix on their new black and white television. • The boy is fascinated by what his uncles are telling him and by what he sees; • Distant visions of the shark nosed Ferraris and a racing driver by the name of Wolfgang Von Trips, a German count who lived in a castle. • The boy compares this wonderful scenario with his black and grey life in England. • He becomes filled with awe and wonder of Italy and red cars. • Sent to church after the Grand Prix, the boy has his first 'musical fantasy'. • The basis of most of his fantasies is old news footage of 1961 collages, mixed with surreal images of Italy, Wolfgang Von Trips and the shark nose cars of the period. • The boy steals the family vanilla recipe (which has been handed down from their grandfather), an ingredient of the ice cream his family makes. • He has noticed that girls love the smell of it. • He turns it into a best-selling aftershave, and with his success, he is able to chase his dream of owning and driving a Ferrari and moving back to Italy. • With his success becomes the realisation that it is best to enjoy passions and not let them become obsessions. • Now a prosperous businessman, he returns to England to re-unite with his father and rekindle their relationship. • In this film Shirley Bassey made her screen debut. But not really as an actor, she appears two times singing. First in John's dream singing Shirley Do You Own A Ferrari? and dancing with him. Later comes something like a video advertisement for • John's vanilla after shave called La Passione and Shirley Bassey singing the song La Passione is the background music for it. But Shirley is visible in the beginning and the end of the spot only, near to an ultralarge after shave flacon and then going down from the stage. • Chris Rea describes his film as various fantasies of Italy and Ferraris, set to music , so it's a mix of his own real passions: music, cars and Italy. If You're a fan of historical Formula One races or if You're dreaming of driving a Ferrari, this will be the right movie for You. It is mainly about John's dreams about Ferrari's. The music is great of course. Besides of Shirley's songs I want to mention Girl In A Sportscar sung by Chris Rea and the instrumental Horses . • The movie is semi-autobiographical for Chris Rea because in his youth he was working in his family's ice cream parlour in Middlesbrough. • Chris Rea began to work on the movie La Passione already in the winter 1993/94 but after some interruptions it has been released 1996. This soundtrack album reached chart position No. 35 (or 43?) in the UK and a 1997 re-release reached No. 130. • After performing 'Disco' La Passione live in the BBC Shirley Bassey special Viva Diva 1998, Shirley Bassey told: • I always had that I never meet anybody interesting on airoplane. And one day I was flying from Niece to London and up comes this ..., and like look up and there here's my idol - Chris Rea. So, hmm ha nice. We sat all the way to London and chatting a whale, and he was telling me about this fantasy musical he had written. And I thought no more, we exchanged phone numbers, addresses. • And then, about three / four week later, I received a package with a song in: La Passione . So I listened to, and I liked, I loved it, and I called to him, and said: I love this song. • And he said: I think you to sing it in my film. • And I said: You mean over the credits. • And he said: No, IN the film! • In the film? So I said to him: Does that make me a film star? • And he said: No, not really. • Well, it's a start. And I'll never say that never meet anybody interesting on airplane again. Thanks Chris! • Track listing • 1 La Passione (Film Theme) - 0:00 • 2 Dov'è II Signore? - 1:46 (Vocals: Toby Draper) • 3 Shirley Do You Own a Ferrari? - 3:28 • (Vocals: Chris Rea / Shirley Bassey) • 4 Girl in a Sports Car - 5:12 • 5 When the Grey Skies Turn to Blue - 6:09 • 6 Horses - 8:00 • 7 Olive Oil - 8:49 • 8 Only to Fly - 9:54 • 9 You Must Follow - 11:17 • 10 Disco' La Passione - 12:49 (Vocals: Shirley Bassey) • 11 Dov'è II Signore? Pt. 2 - 14:27 (Vocals: Toby Draper) • 12 Le Mans - 15:37 • This video has been published with absolute respect and admiration to Chris Rea's music ! •