
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Uljw0r3f3bU

• Ingredients: Nut breadsticks • High-protein flour 400 grams, 0:25, • Wholemeal flour 100 grams, 0:25, • Yeast powder 5 grams, 0:29, • Salt 3 grams, 0:37, • Water 450 grams, 0:40, • Mix the above ingredients into a batter and put it in the refrigerator compartment. Let it rise at a low temperature for a night, and you can make the bread anytime the next day. After the dough has risen, add any kinds of nuts or dried fruits as you like. In the video, we add 200 grams of that(1:16). You can add more raisins to make it more tasty. After adding, wet your hands with water and beat it till it gets even. Then sprinkle a lot of flour to prevent sticking, cut into strips, twist a few times, and put in the baking tray. • • Baking temperature: Preheat the oven to 210 degrees for top heat and bottom heat, and bake on the lower rack for 25 minutes. It is best to use an oven that combines steaming and baking, or use zeolite to generate steam. If you don’t have that kind of oven or zeolite, please just spray some water in it. • • The temperatures in the recipe are all in celsius degrees. Fahrenheit degree=celsius degree*1.8 + 32°F。 • • The weights of ingredients in the recipe are all in grams. • • Please click the little bell button to subscribe to my YouTube channel, or please click the link here→ https://bit.ly/3mzUVzT • • The numbers behind the ingredients are the time when we mentioned the ingredients in the video. If you prefer the recipe in text form, or if there is a problem of hearing impairment, please check the recipe according to the time points. • • We provide subtitles in multiple languages(CC subtitles), please click the personal image in the top right corner of the page to switch languages. • • To turn on or turn off the subtitles, please click settings (small gear button) in the bottom right corner of the playing window. It can also identify different languages for you. • • Thank you for watching this video! • • Record my retired daddy's cooking and share it with friends who like tasty food. If you like us, please remember to subscribe to Daddy's Cooking Career and give us a like. • #Recipe #ChineseCuisine #FlourFood #Desserts #CakeRecipe #HomemadeFood #Breakfast #Baking #BreadRecipe #Cooking #TeachCooking#DailyRecipe #EasyRecipe #TastyFood


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