Post Isometric Relaxation
Link to PayPal donation • / anatomy.knowledge • The posterior triangle of the neck is the triangular space on the side of neck behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Its apex is directed upwards and backwards towards the mastoid process and base downwards towards the clavicle. • Boundaries: • Anterior is bounded by the posterior border of sternocleoidomastoid muscle. • Posterior is the anterior margin of trapezius muscle. • Inferiorly is bounded by the superior aspect of middle third of the clavicle. • The floor of posterior triangle is muscular and is formed from above downwards by the following muscles: • 1. Semispinalis capitis. • 2. Splenius capitis. • 3. Levator scapulae. • 4. Scalenus medius. • 5.and on a smal area the Scalenus anterior is also observed. Most of scalenus anterior lies behind the inferior extremity of sternocleidomastoid muscle. • Through the scalene hiatus passes the subclavian artery and trunks of brachial plexus. In front of the scalenus anterior passes the phrenic nerve which is oriented vertically, and the subclavian vein which is oriented horizontally. At this level the subclavian vein recieves the external jugular vein. • #anatomy #head #neck