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Full Playlist: • Bodybuilding Supplements Nutrition • - • - • Top Rated At Home Workout Gear: • • Inred Dual Ab Wheel: http://amzn.to/1JwgNPy • LifelineUSA Chest Expander: http://amzn.to/1O6dlhA • Iron Gym Upper Body Workout: http://amzn.to/1igVj2p • Shake Weight Dumbell: http://amzn.to/1igS0YU • Perfect Pushup Elite: http://amzn.to/1hS0zJG • Valeo Deluxe Speed Rope: http://amzn.to/1L1QRv9 • Watch more Bodybuilding Supplements Nutrition videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/504260-... • • One of the things that I get a lot of questions about are protein bars and there's a lot of protein bars on the market. Some of them are nothing more than glorified candy bars because they're devoid of some of the necessary nutrients. • But in fact, a good quality protein bar can be a great resource to have as a meal replacement even in some cases and, depending upon the nutritional profile of the protein bar, you can get the calories that your body needs as well. They come in different sizes. This protein bar here is a big protein bar. You've got probably almost 400 calories in just this one bar. And that's a bit too much for some so you might to even break that bar into two but they come in smaller sizes. • The key with protein bars is to remember that it's a way for you to give your body a quick amount of protein and hopefully, possibly some fiber because not all bars are created equal. Some protein bars are just filled with way too much sugar and in some cases even a lot of fruit juice and fructose. Fructose is going to hinder your body's ability to burn fat properly. • So look at the ingredients of the protein bar and make sure there's adequate amounts of protein in it. It should be at least anywhere from 15 to 20 grams of protein depending upon how many of these bars you're going to have and how you're going utilize them, you might be able to get away with less than that, but you want to make sure there's also some good, a few grams of fiber at least in there. • A lot of these bars are using different types of carbs. They're called net carbs. They use what's called sugar alcohol which is a carbohydrate source that's suppose to not have a negligible impact on your blood sugar therefore they don't' cause insulin swings. So you can kind of use these protein bars not only throughout the day as a meal replacement and get some added protein but you can also use them later on at night or after dinner if you want something sweet to eat. So the jury's still out on the sugar alcohol or whether or not they really, truly do have any impact on your blood sugar. In most cases I would say, most people or most clients that I have worked with don't have a problem digesting them. Although, because of some of the sugar alcohol that are in them, they do sometimes tend to cause a little bit of a stomach disturbance. • So you want to try them, see which one's work best for you. Make sure the bar's got protein, adequate protein rather. Make sure the bar's got low in sugar and make sure it's got some fiber and you'll do good with utilizing these protein bars.