Crosby Stills Nash amp Young Ivory Tower Outtake Storytelling Video
Purchase SELECTIVE HEARING on iTunes: • Lyrics: • I know it's been awhile since we last spoke • I hope you're doing fine out there on your own • Never thought we'd grow apart • We were together from the start • Scraping knees collecting scars • Now I don't know who you are • It's not our fault, just the way things are • But I want you to know you're still in my heart • We got caught in the storm, alone • People come and people go • Drifting away, like old friends do • But if you walked through the door • Our world, would be just like it was before • Rewind the good times like old friends do • We just got caught in the storm • I still look back on the days • When we'd sneak out of the house • Finding a place to get away • Where we could drink and be ourselves • Now we're stressed out and held down • To the life that we've laid out • But those times have shaped us who we wanted to be • We got caught in the storm, alone • People come and people go • Drifting away, like old friends do • But if you walked through the door • Our world, would be just like it was before • Rewind the good times like old friends do • We just got caught in the storm • The past runs away from us • Memories fade in and out • Time flies by before we can even blink an eye