Why I left YouTube for eight months amp the journey so far
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=UsGVDyqXFtc
This is a super-long video with lots of concepts thrown around, but it explains my YouTube journey so far and why I take breaks. It boils down to some of what I think is going on with YouTube, people's mindsets, and how I've tried to separate from that and find what makes me happy. I share some of my personal method on how to break away from the negativity permeating social media and the world in general, and how to replace it with what you want. • Love you guys • UPDATE: Regarding therapy, I only meant to show that some very successful people I've met still need help - even after their massive success. That's all I meant by that. Therapy, in any form, helps everyone. • Also regarding politics, I do realize that many people are out there fighting for good causes. I've just encountered many people that started with good intentions ending up down the road of resentment and bitterness. I've had my own experiences with this as well. • Oh and the song at the end is this: • Smooth McGroove - Weird Fishes Acapella • Catch me live on Twitch! ► / smoothmcgroove • ●Join my Discord server ► / discord