Penny Farthing bike race
Antique bicycle enthusiasts gather in Kentucky to race high-wheel bikes, also called 'Ordinary' bikes or Penny Farthings. • The race in a Louisville park capped off a week long meeting of the national Wheelmen group. The group collects and rides old bikes, many from the 19th century. • The high wheel bikes are tall and have no air in the tires, rough brakes and little cushion for the riders, but they can run at high speeds. • Carson Torpey, a member of Kentucky Wheelmen in Louisville, said it was a rough ride, even with the saddle having some spring and flexing of the spokes, it's still a rough ride, you feel the bumps. • The men and women racers, young and old, ran for an hour and the rider with the most laps is the winner. • The odd-looking bikes were popular with the upper class at the turn of the century in America and England. When they were introduced in the 1880s, they were so expensive that only members of the upper class could afford them. • Source: APTN • Get the latest headlines • Subscribe to The Telegraph • Like us on Facebook / • Follow us on Twitter / telegraph • Follow us on Google+ • and / telegraphtv are websites of The Daily Telegraph, the UK's best-selling quality daily newspaper providing news and analysis on UK and world events, business, sport, lifestyle and culture.