Dean and Castiel Shivers Partially AU Angeldove
Music: Shivers - Ed Sheeran • Ed Sheeran - Shivers [Official Video] • • I wanted to edit Dean and Castiel to this song because it's just a generally happy song that makes me smile, so I'm hoping it makes you smile too (although the official video is absolutely crazy, love it). • This is partially AU, I wanted to have some kind of linking storyline and went with Cas and Dean being hit by Cupid's arrow (Cas is hunting one down), but after that I realized I didn't have enough AU story in mind to complete the entire song (mainly the chorus's), so I mixed it. It took a bit of time to change Dean's shirts to red for the Karaoki and a few other scenes so they would match better, lol. I hope you enjoy the video! • I will be on a short hiatus, lately, my upper back and side have been hurting from spending long periods of time editing, so I'll be taking some time away from my desk. I won't be too long though. I'll update in the community section. • • If you liked this video, don't forget to subscribe to be notified of new ones and not miss out on requesting a song/video when I post PA Request Open videos! • Social Media Links: • --- • dean and castiel - Shivers • Tv Show: #Supernatural • Software: Video Editing Magix Vegas pro 19 • Software: Audio Editing Adobe Audition • ------- • #Angeldove • SOCIALS: • Want to buy me a coffee? :) • • Spotify playlist of channel used songs • Facebook Page: / angeldovespn • Tumblr: • TikTok / angeldovespnyt • Instagram: / angeldove82 • Backup Channel: / demondove • Discord channel community chat - / discord • • ====================================================================== • dean and castiel - Shivers,dean and castiel,Dean Winchester,Castiel,Angel Dove,Dean Winchester Music Video,Castiel Music video,Supernatural Fan video,Supernatural angeldove,Castiel angeldove,Dean Winchester Angeldove,DeanCas angeldove,Destiel angeldove,misha collins,Shivers angeldove,Destiel,jensen ackles,dean and castiel angeldove,dean cas,castiel,destiel,dean winchester,angeldove,dean castiel,Dean and Castiel - Shivers (Partially AU) [Angeldove]