王伍记酒家 Wong Ng Kee Restaurant

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走入店内,时间仿佛停留在过去,数十年来伴随着古毛人,是几代人熟悉的味道,更是当年新古毛(Kuala Kubu Bharu)唯一一家承办酒席喜宴的酒家——王伍记酒家。将近80年历史之久,由初期仅是售卖亲手自制云吞面与粥的小档子,到承载着无数街坊美好时刻的宴席,虽经历岁月洗礼,却是不少当地人自小光顾的老餐厅老字号。 • 现年77岁的哥哥王绍基,为第二代继承人,与其太太,和三个妹妹并肩经营着餐厅。半个世纪以来,餐厅一切事务都亲手包办,绝不假他人之手。从前期准备食材,到烹饪端盘招待,皆是5人一手包办。虽然年事已高,个个岁数半百,至今仍然都是亲力亲为,事必躬亲。面条依然由哥哥王绍基每天新鲜制作,店内的古早风味叉烧更是亲自腌制熏烤。 • 王绍基的父亲在9岁时跟随哥哥从中国南洋来马落脚生活,起初从事杂货相关生意,到后来经营贩卖自制云吞面。由于其父亲在家里排行第五,同乡们也称呼他为五哥,因此取名“王伍记”作为店名。无师自通的王绍基,自小学便在父亲身边帮忙档口事务,除了掌握制作面条技艺,从父亲手中接管王伍记后,提议为餐厅增添更多菜色,并自行专研食谱,从书籍资料甚至顾客回馈中逐渐提升厨艺。 • 当在80年代承办宴席时,王伍记酒家也可谓赫赫有名,从普通的6桌或更多宴席至占用店铺门前搭建临时帐篷,忙得不可开交。时过境迁,王伍记虽不再接待承办酒席,但在朴实无华的装潢里,有王家5人亲切和善的人情,和岁月无声的痕迹。 • Upon stepping foot in the restaurant, it is as if time stood still in the past, having accompanied Kuala Kubu residents for decades, the familiar taste of generations. Moreover, it used to be the sole restaurant in Kuala Kubu Bharu which provides banquet catering services - Restoran Wong Ng Kee. Founded for nearly 80 years, from a tiny stall selling wonton mee and porridge, to banquets bearing memorable moments of the neighbourhood’s inhabitants, although it may seem decrepit, it is a long-established name and a well-acquainted place for countless local residents. • 77-year-old eldest brother Wong Siew Kei (transliteration) is the second generation heir, operating the restaurant alongside his wife and his three younger sisters. For half a century, they personally handled all matters in their restaurant instead of hiring manpower. From the preparation of ingredients, cooking and serving dishes, all are done by the five of them. In spite of their rising age, as all of them are now senior citizens, they still work hard in the restaurant by themselves. Made fresh daily by eldest brother Wong Siew Kei (transliteration) are their noodles, including marinating and roasting their signature traditional barbecued pork. • The senior Mr Wong migrated to Malaysia from China with his elder brother when he was nine years old. Initially he was in the grocery trade, after that he runs his own stall selling homemade wonton noodles. Due to the senior Mr Wong being the fifth in his family, and people from his hometown call him “fifth brother”, he named his restaurant ‘Wong Ng Kee’ (by fifth brother of Wong family). Self-taught chef Mr Wong Siew Kei (transliteration) helped his father at the stall since he was in primary school. Besides mastering noodle-making skills, after taking over the restaurant from his father, he suggested increasing the number of dishes, taking the initiative to research and develop recipes. Thus, he improved his culinary skills from books and reading materials, and even from customers’ feedback. • During the 1980’s when catering for banquets, Wong Ng Kee was quite famous. From catering to the banquets of usually six tables or more, to setting up a temporary canopy in front of the shop, they were as busy as bees. As time passed, although they no longer offer catering services, within the unpretentious interior, you may find the warm touches of the Wong family, and the silent trail of years gone by. • #有你UNI #UNIGallery #马来西亚有你 #有你 #UNI #uniness #uninessmalaysia • https://uni.gallery • https://uniness.gallery • 文 Text/ 林汇川 Daniel Lim 潘慧雯 Pua Hui Wen • © 2019 ECHINOIDEA SDN BHD


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