La coronarographie
This intervention can also be used to treat the narrow arteries, or unblock the blocked arteries. This is done with a procedure called coronary angioplasty. A balloon is placed within the narrowed area and then blown to unblock the artery and re-establish blood flow. In general, the success of the procedure can be increased, and a recurrence of the narrowing prevented, with the implantation within the sick arteries of cylindrical metallic lattices, called stents. • The main inconvenience of the procedure is that the patient must remain calm on an examination bed during the procedure, which lasts between 1 to 2 hours, as well as remain in bed afterwards for a few hours. This is to help with the healing of and prevent bleeding from the puncture point at the groin or at the wrist. • There are 2 types of stents: bare metal stents and stents encoated with medication known as drug eluting stents. These medications are aimed at preventing re-narrowing of the arteries. The use of drug eluting stents requires that, in addition to aspirin, another type of blood thinner be taken for at least 12 months (as opposed to 1 one with bare metal stents). This is because drug eluting stents slightly increase the risk of blood clots (thrombosis); the metal lattice is more slowly covered with body tissue. The choice of stent will depend on factors such as whether surgery is planned in the near future. In this case, a bare metal stent will be preferred as risk of bleeding is increased when 2 blood thinners (anti platelet aggregators) are used simultaneously. • more information: