Get Strong and Centered With This 10Minute Yoga Series Using Weights
Take 10 minutes out of your busy day to try this hybrid workout that mixes straight-up strength-training moves with classic yoga poses. Exhale Spa created this short and effective class exclusively for FitSugar. Adding triceps kickbacks to the tricky one-legged Warrior 3 will challenge your balance, and working your legs in Chair pose means your arms are free for some overhead presses. The combinations are great. The end result: long, lean muscles and a calm and centered mind. Grab three- to five-pound weights and your yoga mat, press play, and get ready to work. • Subscribe to FitSugarTV! • • Visit our website for more great workouts and fitness tips! • • Are we friends yet? Join us on Facebook! • / fitsugar • Get the latest updates via Twitter! •!/fitsugar