How To Start A Micronation Government
Stomaria is a nation in the British Isles that advocates for family, freedom and fatherland so as to maintain a sustainable society that maximises personal liberty and community cohesion. • Other nations, each with their own unique cultures and identities, have been voluntarily integrated into the Empire of Stomaria as autonomous member states. Together, we’re striving for greater levels of self-sufficiency and self-determination in order to accomplish our common goals and build a better future for our children. • Those that support Stomaria can become citizens by making a voluntary financial contribution of any amount, either as a one-off or recurring payment, in order to help fund our work. Citizens will be added to our mailing list and will be able to play a direct role in Stomaria's development and expansion if they so wish. • • Website ( • • PayPal ( • • Facebook ( / stomaria ) • • Twitter ( / empirestomaria ) • • Reddit ( / stomaria ) • • Discord ( / discord )