Pēteris Vasks Pater Noster

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Peteris Vasks (1946-) è un compositore lettone, figlio di un pastore battista; per lunghi anni, sotto il regime comunista dell'Unione Sovietica, non ha potuto esprimere in musica la propria spiritualità, potendosi liberare da questo giogo soltanto verso la fine degli anni '90. • Inizialmente ispirato soprattutto dalla musica di Witold Lutosławski, Krzysztof Penderecki e George Crumb, si è poi avvicinato ai cosiddetti minimalisti sacri Gorecki, Kancheli, Tavener. • Peteris Vasks (1946), Latvia's most prominent composer, was the son of a Baptist minister, and while he always felt a strong affinity for sacred music, he didn't feel free to express it through vocal music since it would never have been allowed to be performed under the Communist regime. Since the early '90s, he has turned his attention more and more to religious texts, and this CD includes three of his most significant sacred choral works, including a setting of the Mass. Vasks' style of choral writing links him to the composers who have come to be described as holy minimalists, a group that includes Part, Gorecki, Kancheli, and Tavener, whose music, while stylistically diverse, tends to rely on tonal and modal harmonies, is frequently harmonically static or slow-moving and is often linked to plainchant and ancient liturgical traditions. Vasks' choral music is firmly rooted in Western polyphony and is for the most part traditional-sounding; there is little in it apart from certain unconventional harmonic progressions that would make it immediately identifiable as a product of the late twentieth century. Among the other holy minimalists, the sound of his music is most closely related to that of Gorecki in its harmonic textures and the somber earnestness of its moods. • Audio by by Sanctus quartet , artistic director Radik Melikyan • Transcription by Guido Menestrina • Score / Partitura: http://www.musicaltranscriptions.com/...


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