Find the Missing Side of a Rectangle when you know the Perimeter
For more like this go to • It's an easy-to-use route to resources, faster than scrolling through videos on YT! • Perimeter of a Rectangle calculations are essential, but students can enjoy a challenge when they are given the perimeter and a single sidelength, and have to work out the remaining side. • In this video, we solve the remaining side by calculation, using the strategies from my video 'Finding the Perimeter of a Rectangle'. There is no 'guess and check' here. • 1. Starting from the perimeter, we work backwards to find the missing side. We also check our work by adding up all the sides at the end. (Strategy 1) • 2. (Strategy 2) Reversing the doubling strategy, we solve that missing side length. After the calculation, I go over the steps we took once more. • 3. (Strategy 3) My favourite: finding the missing side by halving the perimeter first, then solving the missing side by subtraction. It's just the easiest way. • Please make sure to take notes to help yourself. 😃 • If you plan to skip part of the video, please just scan through to your preferred strategy and soak it up fast. • CC: by me