听故事学中文我的家庭Learn Chinese
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我在一个充满爱的家庭里长大。 • I grew up in a family full of love. • 我爸是个超有耐心的老师,整天忙活着教学的事儿。他肚子里墨水可多了,教学方法也很特别,一门心思扑在学生的成长上。就算工作特累,他也总挤出时间来陪我们。 • My father is an extremely patient teacher. He is occupied with teaching work all day long. He has a wealth of knowledge and unique teaching methods, devoting himself wholeheartedly to the growth of students. Even though he is exhausted from work, he always manages to find time to accompany us. • 我妈呢,是个手特别巧的文艺工作者。她画画和做手工都特棒,邻里搞艺术交流活动的时候,她经常把自己那些超精美的作品拿出来分享。她把家里捯饬得跟创意乐园似的,到处都是温馨和惊喜。 • My mother is a very dexterous artist. She is excellent at painting and handicrafts. During the neighborhood art exchange activities, she often shares her extremely exquisite works. She decorates our home like a creative paradise, filled with warmth and surprises. • 我还有个活泼可爱的妹妹,对啥都好奇得很,小脑袋里装着一堆新奇的点子,是我们家的开心果。 • I also have a lively and lovely younger sister. She is extremely curious about everything and has a lot of novel ideas in her little head. She is the delight of our family. • 另外,我们家还养了只调皮的小狗,那傻愣愣的样子,时不时调皮一下,给家里添了不少乐子。 • In addition, we have a naughty puppy at home. With its silly appearance and occasional naughty behavior, it brings a lot of joy to the family. • 我们一家人互相尊重、互相理解,平平常常的日子,就因为有彼此的陪伴,过得有滋有味的。 • Our family members respect and understand each other. Ordinary days become enjoyable because of each other's company. • 视频内容概览: • 00:00:00 引言 • 00:00:12 故事讲述-我的家庭 • 00:01:29 英文朗读 • 00:02:50 词汇卡片 • 00:03:08 词汇讲解 • 00:04:48 汉字扩展 • 00:07:12 对话练习(HSK3级) • 00:08:13 跟读练习 • 00:11:26 结尾 • 如果您喜欢本期内容,请点赞、订阅,并开启小铃铛🔔,以便及时收到我们的最新更新!也欢迎在评论区分享您的看法和心得。