Predator Arnold Schwarzenegger Review Action Movie Anatomy
Today we're talking about Predator!!! • Subscribe on YouTube: / popcorntalknetwork • Comment Below! • Action Movie Anatomy hosts Ben Bateman and Andrew Ghai break down Predator with guest Jason Sparich! • Predator is a 1987 American science fiction action film directed by John McTiernan and was distributed by 20th Century Fox. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the leader of an elite special forces team, who are on a mission to rescue hostages from guerrilla territory in Central America. Kevin Peter Hall co-stars as the titular antagonist, a technologically advanced form of extraterrestrial life secretly stalking and hunting the group. Predator was written by Jim and John Thomas in 1985, under the working title of Hunter. Filming began in April 1986 and creature effects were devised by Stan Winston. • The film's budget was around $15 million. Released in the United States on June 12, 1987, it grossed $98,267,558. Initial critical reaction to Predator was negative, with criticism focusing on the thin plot. However, in subsequent years critics' attitudes toward the film warmed, and it has appeared on a number of best of lists. Two sequels, Predator 2 (1990) andPredators (2010), as well as two crossover films with the Alien franchise, Alien vs. Predator (2004) and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007), have been produced. Another entry in the series directed by Shane Black is in the works at 20th Century Fox. • Check out all the shows' playlists here: / popcorntalknetwork • Visit our website: • Follow us on Twitter: / thepopcorntalk • Check out for all your movie news! • Love TV? Check out • Love Books? Check out • Support our friends at • Shopping on Amazon? Click through our Amazon affiliate program at