Vinu Pet Battle Strategy Guide


How to beat Vinu for the 'The Wine's Gone Bad' Pet Battle World Quest in Legion. Vinu is a Legendary-quality pet, so he gives minimal experience which is why we aren't leveling a pet here. Vinu is only available to fight when his World Quest pops up. He'll have two backup wild pets from Azsuna, which vary on different days but won't change within a given day. • Strategy! The battle pet I used to beat Vinu was Syd the Squid. Bubble and Aquatic damage are key here, although Syd the Squid is extra good due to his Magic racial. Other pet options include the Sea Calf, Benax, the Ghostshell Crab, Mud Jumper, Squirky, Stout Alemental, and the Swamp Croaker. If you don't have Syd the Squid I recommend bringing two of any of the above if possible, or one of the above and an extra Aquatic damage pet. For backup, bring your best all-purpose pet or you could check to see what he has for backup and counter the types specifically if you like. • Round 1- Water Jet, followed by Bubble, then Cleansing Rain. Spam Water Jet until round 8, then use Cleansing Rain again on that round. Refresh Bubble as soon as it comes off cooldown, then spam Water Jet until Vinu dies. If using two pets with Bubble, you could switch between them after the first Bubble is consumed for a fresh Bubble. Clean up the backline pets using your best judgement and you're done! • Let me know what you think and check out my channel for other Legion pet battle videos, WoW videos and a weekly vlog! • Check out my channel and subscribe for more Pet Battle videos, Legion info and other gaming content!    / hazelnuttygames   • Find me on Twitter at •   / hazelnuttygames   • Catch a Twitch stream at •   / hazelnutty8   • Instagram pictures of my irl pets at •   / hazelnuttylife   • Support me on Patreon! These videos take huge amounts of time to make, you support and donations keep me going! I can't thank you guys enough for this.   / hazelnuttygames   • If you want, you can tip me here with Paypal! No recurring subscription involved.


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