HEDGEINTERVIEW Service Provider Spotlight Scott Treloar CoFounder amp CEO Novisicent amp FundBoxAI
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In this episode of the Service Provider Spotlight series, Scott Treloar, Co-Founder CEO of Noviscient FundBox.AI, talks about how their platform leverages technology to cost-effectively provide critical infrastructure to new fund managers, which allows them to get started and attract investors faster. Plus, how the FundBox.AI platform can help fund managers get fully registered and launched in 1 month, vs. the usual 6-12 months, and at a fraction of the usual cost. He shares pitfalls to avoid and key considerations for new managers to be successful. • Contents--------------------- • 0:00 - Intro • 1:09 - Inspiration for FundBox.AI • 1:50 - Meeting an unmet need • 3:54 - The 'digital operating model' • 5:19 - Starting with a clean slate • 6:55 - Cost efficiencies of a digital platform • 9:31 - The features of FundBox.AI • 11:17- Timing: 1 month to fund launch vs. 6-12 • 12:56 - The setup process • 14:37 - Common mistakes fund managers should avoid • 15:04 - Why fund managers need to 'get going' ASAP • 18:52 - Bypassing the 'old regime' • 19:49 - What allocators are looking for • 22:48 - How a digital model benefits both investors and fund managers • 25:11 - Providing trade-level data and improved analytics for fund managers • 27:05 - Providing solutions for investors • 29:05 - Bringing fund management into the 21st century • 32:17 - What makes a fund manager successful • For more information about FundBox.AI, visit their website: • https://www.fundbox.ai/ • Want to be featured on Hedge Interview? Apply here: https://catalysthedgefundmarketing.co...