Diagnosis and repair of a 1541 floppy drive that cant read disks
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=V53A4Byp6ts
This 1541 C disk drive for a Commodore 64 was sent in by a customer for repair, as it was no longer reading diskettes. • A short bit of troubleshooting showed that one of the coils on the R/W head was open and no longer able to read. I sourced a replacement head and install it, then proceed to do a head alignment procedure and thorough testing. • The drive has been back with the owner for a bit now and working great! • If you like what I do and want to encourage more, I appreciate your support through likes and comments below. If you have the means, you could also support me on Patreon, as money helps me buy things to fix and build more projects - / silvervest • Bookmarks! • 00:00 - Intro and initial testing • 04:24 - Basic diagnosis • 08:04 - Detailed testing of head • 11:50 - Head replacement procedure • 20:31 - Head alignment • 28:21 - Final testing • Any feedback is welcome, as always. • Equipment used! • Multimeter: Jaycar QM-1321 • C64 Cartridge: Kung Fu Flash - https://sbab.co/kff • Useful resources! • Visualizing Commodore 1541 Disk Contents - https://www.pagetable.com/?p=1070 • 1541 Diagnostic Cartridge - http://blog.worldofjani.com/?p=2180 • Credits! • Music: • Molife - Nite Glo • Font: Daymarius - Retro Gaming (https://www.dafont.com/retro-gaming.font) • Putting up with my weird hobbies: My wife • Disclaimer! • I am NOT an expert, I have genuinely NO idea what I'm doing, and mostly just glue things together and use a lot of Google-fu until stuff works. I've been tinkering with electronics since I was a kid, but have no formal training and will probably do things incorrectly. If you learn something from this, that's awesome, but trust me - I'm learning too! • #Commodore #C64 #1541 #Repair #Vintage