Fully Flying Dragons SE Skyrim Special Edition Mod Showcase by gg77
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=V9VDaJlxFts
Today I xenocraft1212 showcase the skyrim special edition mod fully flying dragons, which much like master of the eagles mod adds a fully controllable flying mount to skyrim special edition. These controllable flying dragon mounts in skyrim remastered come in many shapes and sizes including xenomorph themed dragons. • Link to the nexus http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecia... • The original mod description goes as follows • Fully Flying Dragons SE Version 1.0 • With this mod... • You can bring up the Dragon* of your choice amongst 58 Dragons : Black (DLC2), Purple (DLC1), Snow, Tyrant (Vicn), Skeletal*, Paarthurnax, Wingless* (DLC2), Boss, Defective Lich (Vicn), Ice Lake (DLC1), Durnehviir (DLC1), Flying Chaurus (Vicn), Alduin, Odahviing, Forest, Tundra, Flesh (Vicn), Fat (Vicn, DLC2), Great Wispmother (Vicn), Evil, Crystal (3), Red, Poison, Storm, Cyclops (DLC2), Ocean (DLC2), Masked (DLC2),Young, Bull, Xeno (DLC2), Lava, Berserk, Brute, Shark (DLC2), Venom, Queen Xeno (2) (DLC2), Dark, Curse, Meteor, Lightning, Ice, Chaos, Summoner, Wind, Aetherial(DLC2), Benthic(DLC2), Ghost, Zombie, Whitehorn, Crimson, Armored Glass or Ebony (Yousukeve), Molag Bal (Vicn), a Macho Dragon (FancyPantz), and a “basic” Dragon • To have the SUMMONABLE Mounts, you must buy the 58 “Spell tome: Summon XXXX”, at Farengar Secret-Fire in Dragonsreach/Fort Dragon (Whiterun) or with an other Spell Vendor (ex: Sybille Stentor in the Blue Palace/Palais bleu in Solitude). • With the books, you have the spells....Then summon a dragon with the spell of your choice... • Summon the Dragon in a free space (not in town!) • A dragon will appear above you (The script will try to auto mount you, it might work or it might fail. If that is the case, mount manually) • You can summon your dragon again when you have received the message Dragon has returned . • (The dragon will not disappear unless you mount it, ride it and dismount it) • The dragons do not help the player in combat and are supposed to be used as transport only • Credits • 1) For the meshes of the Defective Lich, the Flesh, the Fat, the Great Wispmother, the Molag Bal, the Tyrant and the Flying Chaurus, thanks to Vicn in his mod Vicn Creature Resource (”You can use any parts of this mod without my permission.”) • 2) For the Macho Dragon :thanks to FancyPantz with the mesh and textures of Macho Dragons ( You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission ) • 3) For the meshes/textures of the Evil/Crystal (3)/ Red/ Poison/ Storm/ Cyclops/ Ocean/ Masked/ Young/ Bull/ Xeno/ Lava/ Berserk/ Brute/ Shark/ Venom/ Queen Xeno (2)/ Dark/ Curse/ Meteor/ Lightning/ Ice/ Chaos/ Summoner/ Wind/ Aetherial/ Benthic/ Ghost/ Zombie/ Whitehorn/ Crimson/ Armored Glass or Ebony... Dragons, thanks to yousukeve, in his mod Chaos Dragons (“Please use these models”) • 4) For the structure of all the mod (particularly for the scripts and animations), a BIG THANK to J3X in his mod Flyable Dragons (”Clone, copy, spread, mutate, merge, and do whatever you want just as long you give me credit for my work”;”If you create a modification to this mod please release it”) • Most Recent Video https://goo.gl/692Miv • Mod List: climates of tamriel, falskaar, blaze of eventide, unread books glow, lotr weapon pack, waves, rich merchants of skyrim, unleveled items, infinite weapon charges, static mesh improvement mod (smim), skyland, ring of a thousand truths, no snow under the roof, invincible dogs, barenziah quest markers, perk points for bounties, arrow tweak fix, enhanced blood textures, better auriel's bow, the paarthurnax dilemma, invisible helmet, alternate start live another life, soulcairn quest markers, draconic armor, dawnguard map markers, deadly destruction, dragonborn crafting hall, run for your lives, noldor armor, dark elven weapons,, a quality world map with roads, animated dragon wings, scoped bows, nightingale muffle enchant, dragonslayer bow and siege arrows, cute seal follower, giant rabbits, asgard hall, TARDIS, inigo, capes and cloaks, stormlord armor, moonlight tales, unlimited werewolf transformations, forgotten city, breggan’s retreat, giant mudcrab mini quest, diverse dragons collection, sjel blad castle, perk points per level, sweetroll randomization act, 150% jumping and sprinting, world tree, unicorn, the well player home, forsworn armor redux, riverwood retreat, everfall island, whispering waters, karo’s cairn, fenrir blades, katana crafting, armor all, grand bathhouse, dragonstrike bow, achievements enabler, skyrim flora overhaul, exploding chickens physics and ragdoll, expanded weaponry se, InsanitySorrow’s WeaponPack, JKs whiterun, JKs Riverwood, cheat room, dwarven luggage, ritual armor of boethiah, valkyrie armor, Magicka sabers, darkwater home, skyhaven temple garden, jormundandr dragon, unlimited dragon aspect, valley of peace, Faallokaar, Ebonvale, Clearstone, convenient horses, SiigonisBiiKriid Argonian Follower SE