Barney π³ Cooking for Friends π³
Super-Dee-Duper! We’ve reached 230.000 subscribers! We’re best friends as friends should be! Share and subscribe to help us reach 300.000! • WATCH A NEW BARNEY VIDEO EVERY THURSDAY RIGHT HERE ON THE OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL. • Welcome to Barney and Friends' home on YouTube, where you can find the video clips and full episodes! • In the world of Barney, sharing and caring are key, imaginations flourish and there is always a dance at every turn! Join everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, as he and his dino-pals, Baby Bop, BJ and Riff, help give children the range of skills they need to grow using tons of music, fun and laughs to guide the way! • For more fun with Barney and Friends, visit the Official Barney and Friends YouTube Channel at / barneyandfriends