Top 5 Reasons a Barcode Font will not Scan
Though there are many reasons a barcode font will not scan, this video covers the most common reasons a #barcode-will-not-scan. • 1. Barcode data is not encoded using a #barcode-font-encoder. • Unlike fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, and Courier New, barcode fonts require an extra step to ensure that the created barcode is scannable/usable. In order to create a scannable barcode, data must pass through a formula called a font encoder or font tool. A font encoder can be a plug-in, add-in, formula, or source code that performs a calculation to produce encoded data. • 2. Barcode quality is poor. • If the #barcode-quality is poor, the barcode may not scan. Verify the barcode is printed to a laser or thermal printer and is not damaged or smeared. • 3. Barcode is outside of the specification • Barcodes must be printed at specific font sizes. If the barcode is not set to the appropriate size, it may not be scannable. • 4. Uncommon barcode symbologies such as Codabar, Industrial 2 of 5, and Code 93 may not be enabled in the #barcodescanner. If the barcode does not scan, check to make sure that the symbology is enabled by reviewing the scanner user manual. • 5. If the barcode is too wide, the scanner may not read it. Some barcodes such as Code 39 create a large barcode with a few characters. If the amount of data is large, use a denser barcode type such as Code 128 or a 2D barcode type. If the barcode is width is too small due to the number of characters, then verify the scanner is set to read barcodes with a few characters. Review your scanner manual. • •, Inc Barcode Fonts: • • IDAutomation Technical Support Forum: •