OUTCRY Documentary Episode 2 Recap Greg Kelley SHOWTIME Docuseries
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=VD8sbucgxRM
If you're new, Subscribe! → https://bit.ly/38GvSUY • Two episodes into the Outcry documentary on Showtime, and we've started getting our first WTF moments of the series. Following Greg Kelley's conviction, the controversy surrounding the case starts picking up thanks to attorney Keith Hampton, who leads the process to submit a WRIT to the new Williamson County DA. • Along the way, we learn a lot more about how this case and investigation was mishandled. A few of our questions from episode were answered but now we're left with even more questions than before. • Among the things we discuss on this episode of Distant Replay are: • The date of the accusation is WHAT? • Keith Hampton's investigation • How the interview process went wrong • Goodbye Jana Duty • DA Shaun Dick opens the investigation back up and brings in a Texas Ranger • Johnathan McCarty emerges as a suspect • Detective Dailey couldn't have done less work on this case as we learn in the trial. • Johnathan McCarty's name comes up when interviewing the boy! • Weekly sports true crime stories brought to you by your favorite true crime YouTubers. • We'd love to hear your thoughts on episode 2 so find us on Twitter or Instagram and let us know.