Tutorial How To Play Aaliyah I Care 4 U on Piano Keyboard
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Tutorial on how to play Aaliyah's I Care 4 U on piano or keyboard. Sheet music at • http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/title/i... • The track is written by Missy Elliott and produced by Timbaland. Aaliyah's vocals on this have an out of this world quality about them. Beautiful voice, beautiful vocals, but also fantastic production that manages to feel sparse and open whilst actually having quite a lot going on and that works as a perfect backdrop to Aaliyah's soaring vocals. • One of the key things that give this track its feel though, is the time signature. It's in 12/8 - which is what enables it to be so slow yet still have momentum and feel like it's rolling along. So it's 4 groups of three. You can count it One two three, Four five six, Seven eight nine, Ten eleven twelve, but I sometimes stumble on eleven (too many syllables) , so another way, that emphasizes the 4 groups of 3, is to count it One two three, Two two three, Three two three, Four two three. • The tempo is around 46 beats per minute where each beat is one of those groups of three. • The timing is loose and relaxed and the tempo drifts during the course of the tune, adding to that laid-back feel. • The tune is in C minor, so 3 flats, Bflat, Eflat and Aflat. (play scale) • Harmonically the tune is based around a four bar progression which is repeated 13 times - once for the intro plus 12. • The chords are Cminor, Gminor with Bflat in the bass (first inversion), Aflat Major 7, G (Major), so at its simplest you could play the whole thing like this • (demo in closed position) • ...but that would be a little dull. • If we want to add a bit more interest we can pull the bass line into the left hand. Here's what the bass is playing: • (play bassline) • A key part to the feel of this is the anticipatory sixteenth note that comes in just after 6 and before the beat on seven. • This is what I mean (clap) • 1 2 3 4 5 6 and 7 8 9 10 11 12 (go through twice clapping) • I'm just going to go through that bass part one more time. • (play bassline) • If you combine that bass part in your left hand with a right hand part based around what the electric piano is playing, you get something like this • (play through twice) • So if you are playing this as backing for a singer you can just play this phrase 13 times with some minor variations. I'm not going to break this down because it takes too long, but you should be able to pick it up by watching the notes on the keyboard. • Of course - it's Aaliyah's vocals that make this track. If you want to include the vocal line in what you are playing then you might find the sheet music of help. • Sheet music is available at • www.sheetmusicplus.com/title/I-Care-4-U/19394714?aff_id=453509 • Enjoy your playing whatever you do!