Galaga Demons of Death NES Playthrough NintendoComplete


A playthrough of Bandai's 1988 shooter for the NES, Galaga: Demons of Death. • I played until I got a game over on stage 26. • Galaga was the 1981 follow-up to Namco's 1979 arcade hit Galaxian, complete with fancy multi-color sprites, frantic enemy swarming patterns, and a couple of neat new gameplay features. • The improvements it offers over Galaxian (which got a Japanese-exclusive Famicom port) don't disguise how much it borrows from Space Invaders, but they're meaningful additions that make for a much more interesting quarter guzzler. • If you have a spare ship in reserve, you can now allow it to be captured, and if you can safely free it from the bugs, it will join you and double your firepower at the cost of turning yourself into a much larger target. The challenging stages also make for a nice change of pace, offering up some bonus points without having to worry about being shot down. • The NES conversion of Galaga comes as close to being a perfect reproduction as possible given the differences in hardware. The controls are snappy and tight, the enemies all zoom about according to their preset patterns with no sign of slowdown or flicker, and the graphics and sound are spot on. • Since the arcade game's vertical screen orientation had to be adapted for 4:3 screens, the resolution of the sprites has been lowered a bit and the score display now fills the right side of the screen, but the detail and color in the enemies looks excellent and everything animates smoothly. The sound effects and music have been well adapted to the NES's audio capabilities, too, and together, they create a convincing facsimile of the original. • I just wish that it had included an auto fire option - this game was designed to make your fingers cramp! And what was up with that stupid subtitle? Did they really think that naming it Demons of Death would make it any more appealing on store shelves? • It's certainly the best port from the 8-bit era that I've played, and I think anyone who picked it up on the NES when new would've been entirely satisfied with what they got for their money. It's addicting. • _____________ • No cheats were used during the recording of this video. • • NintendoComplete ( punches you in the face with in-depth reviews, screenshot archives, and music from classic 8-bit NES games!


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