PestBye Cat Repeller
First impressions of the PestBye battery operated cat repeller. To learn how it performed please visit where you will find other cat repeller reviews plus tips and tricks for a cat free garden. • The PestBye battery operated cat repeller uses a motion sensor to detect the movement of a cat in your garden. Once detected it blasts out a loud high frequency noise to scare away the cat but which humans cannot hear. • These cat repellers are battery powered and come with a small stake so they can be fixed into the ground or they can be fixed to a fence post or wall. • They are only small and being green they are completely unobtrusive making them ideal for a front garden as well as back. They have a range of around 7 metres and cover an 80 degree arc for a total protected area of around 180 square feet. • Cons • Fiddly to set up • Each unit requires 4 AA batteries • No mains power option (get some rechargeable batteries) • Pros • Excellent value for money • Seems well made and durable - should give several years service • Adjustable frequency enables you to fine tune • Small and unobtrusive • For my full review visit my website