Vattnet går Gravid vecka 40 VLOGG
The water breaks! Pregnant week 40. Alma and Harry have Easter break. Mommy Joanna eats and drinks things that are said to speed up and help the birth; raspberry leaf tea, dates, pineapple and evening primrose oil. Daddy Axel drive us to Södertälje and a booked meeting at the maternity ward. During the examination, the midwife discovers that the water has broken. Axel head back to Stockholm on his own as Joanna stays in hospital. We are reunited in the evening. The baby has been monitored with CTG during the day but Joanna she has no strong contractions and is not in active labour yet. To be continued in the next video. • XOXO • The Swedish Family Instagram: / the_swedish_family • The Swedish Family Merch: • ________ • The Swedish Family lives in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Baby sister Laura, Little brother Harry 6, big sister Alma is 9. Daddy Axel is an engineer and mommy Joanna is a TV producer. We vlog about our daily life and love to travel.