Stalingrad Battle Against T 34 Tank In The Snow HQ
Read the description for tank info----- • After lessons learned in late WWII against German heavy armor which had no Allied equivalent, recommendations for manufacture of a new heavy tank were made. These resulted in the T29, armed with a 105mm cannon and the T30, with the 155mm. In May 1945, two T30 were fitted with a 120mm cannon and redesignated the T34 Heavy Tank. • Weighing in at a cool 67 tons, the T34 was designed for a crew of 6. Powered by a V12 810 hp Continental gasoline engine, it had a top speed of 22 mph (35 kmh) and a range of about 100 mi (160km). Armor ranged from 4 in. (102mm) on the front, 2-3 in (51-76mm) on the sides and .75-2 in. (19-51mm) on the rear. • Armed with a 120 mm main gun and two secondary .50 cal machine guns, one coaxially mounted in the turret and one mounted on the commanders cupola, the T34 could fire about 5 rounds/min, with two loaders required to handle the hefty two-part ammunition. • The T34 never did see full production, but this vehicle remains at Ft. Benning in GA at the National Armor and Cavalry Collection. Follow their work here: / nationalarmorandcavalrymuseum • • Keep up with me and the latest in World of Tanks and the world of tanks! / sofigaming • / sofigaming • / the_sofilein • Proudly sponsored by Corsair