Kramp Nedir I Bacağımıza Kramp Girerse Nasıl Yüzebiliriz


What is a cramp? How does she get cramped? What are the ways to prevent cramping? What are the foods that prevent cramps? What is muscle spasm? What are the causes of cramps? How to intervene in the cramping area? Good Trips ... • the • What is Cramp? • Cramp is a painful, involuntary, spasm muscle contraction which is mostly seen in the limbs and sometimes in the internal organs and which develops due to various neural and mental factors. • The cramp is actually a tissue spasm. Here, the tissue contracts, causing sudden and severe pain. A common type of cramps occurs in calf muscle during sleep. • What are the causes of cramp? • Overload, injury, strain, muscle stretching, or staying in the same position for a long time can cause muscle cramps. • Causes of cramps include; cold and fatigue. Blood circulation is slowed down in human body cold environments and tired periods. Therefore the oxygen and sugar required for the muscles to work reaches the muscles missing. When this is the case, the muscles begin to contract to protect themselves. This causes cramping. • Lack of minerals and vitamins in the body can also cause cramps. • Excessive consumption of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol is one of the factors contributing to the proliferation of cramps. • Cramps are frequently seen in athletes who are overwhelmed and dehydrated in sports events in hot weather. • What can be done to prevent cramp? • IçilWill drink water • EtilAny fat dairy products should be consumed • Foods rich in potassium, including citrus, dried fruit, tomato juice, melon, pumpkin, potato, milk and avocado • EtilEnergy should consume carbohydrate foods containing rice, dried legume and paste • IllıThe consumption of full grain bread should be reproduced • Abundant salty foods to cause the accumulation of liquid in the body should be avoided • Smoking and alcohol should be avoided that may directly affect blood vessels. • #SerkanOzkeskin #marmarasport #cramp


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