Centripetal Force Demonstration
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=VKeCbinXnmA
!!!CENTRIPETAL FORCE EXPERIMENT!!! (Centripetal Force Demonstration And Explanation) SCIENCE EXPERIMENT • centripetal force centripetal force acceleration centripetal force demonstration centripetal force physics centripetal force animation centripetal force experiment centripetal force explained centripetal centripetal pump centripetal and centrifugal force • 0:00 - Centripetal Force • 0:33 - Hold An Object Up Without Touching • 2:05 - Explanation Earth Around the Sun • 2:45 - Galileo's Evidence • 3:05 - Experiment Explanation • 3:37 - I'm Spinning I Cant Get Off • • Crazy Chris is checking out the centripetal forces and shows you a wicked kewl centripetal force demonstration! • • Objective: To under how the planets are able to go around teh sun. • • Materials Needed: • ~ Coffee Mug • ~ Ribbon • ~ Plastic Tube • ~ Spool of Thread • • Step 1) Get a coffee mug and some ribbon and tie the ribbon a few times around the mug handle. • • Step 2) Thread the ribbon through the middle of the plastic tube as well as the spool of thread. • • Step 3) Tie off the ribbon to secure the spool of thread to the ribbon. • • Step 4) Spin the spool of thread above your head and let go of the coffee mug. • • HOW DOES IT WORK? • Privative people used to believe that the sun, stars, moon and planets were attached to a giant globe with the earth in the center. As the globe spun around this made everything in sky rotate around the earth. How-ever a scientist by the name of nicholas coperncus noticed that planets and stars seemed to move across the night sky in one direction half of the year and then move in the complete opposite direction the other half of the year. The only way for things in the sky to change direction, is if the earth is going around the sun. • Galileo's Galilei also provided evidence the earth is going around the sun when he noticed Jupiter's moons where going around Jupiter. He also observed phases on the planet Venus just like those on the moon. The only way for Venus to have phases is if Venus is going around the sun like the moons going around Jupiter. • The sun is a massive star and that mass comes with a lot of gravitational attraction. So much gravitational attraction that the suns gravity can hold planets in orbit beyond Neptune's distance of 4.5 billion kms. Just like how the cup spinning around was able to suspend the paint can in mid air, planets gong around the sun also have velocity. In fact Earth is going around the sun at 100,000kms every hour. This velocity balances out the force of gravity pulling on the planets keeping the planters spinning around the sun. • • !!!CENTRIPETAL FORCE EXPERIMENT!!! (Centripetal Force Demonstration And Explanation) SCIENCE • • science fair projects science experiments for children science fair project ideas science experiments gone wrong science tricks science experiments for school science fair projects for school science experiments to do at home science experiments you can do at home science experiments explosions science experiments cool science experiments at home science experiments easy • • !!!CENTRIPETAL FORCE EXPERIMENT!!! (Centripetal Force Demonstration And Explanation) SCIENCE