Grand Explorations Venera 9 Orbiter Space Flight Simulator
/ orbiterfilmmaker • Facebook. Advances, pictures, details, comments. • -- Original uploaded on October 14, 2009 -- • Venera 9 (occasionally called Venusik 9 or Venus 9) (manufacturer's designation: 4V-1) was a USSR unmanned space mission to Venus. It consisted of an orbiter and a lander. It was launched on June 8, 1975 and weighed 4,936 kg (10,884 lb). The orbiter was the first spacecraft to orbit Venus, while the lander was the first to return images from the surface of another planet. • On October 20, 1975, the lander spacecraft was separated from the orbiter, and landing October 22. Venera 9 landed within a 150 km radius of 31.01° N 291.64° E, near Beta Regio, on a steep (20°) slope covered with boulders (suspected to be the slope of the tectonic rift valley, Aikhulu Chasma). The entry sphere weighed 1,560 kg (3,440 lb) and the surface payload 660 kg (1,455 lb). • This add is special for my because it is first where I collaborate, although only navigation (trans-venus orbit transfer, orbital insert and alignment for descent)

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