Rib Release Did You Pop a Rib Out Well Pop it Back in MoveU

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Start Fixin Yo’ Sh!T - https://moveu.com • Do you have sharp, stabbing, aching pain in your mid back? Do you feel like you strained a muscle? Does it hurt when you breathe, cough, sneeze, twist, bend, or extend? Chances are that if you have pain in your mid-back, it is actually a joint or rib☠️ that is shifted out of place or “locked up.” We have almost never seen a muscle strain in the mid back. 90% of the time, a rib or facet joint is shifted slightly out of place, causing guarding and inflammation in the mid back. • • This lacrosse ball technique is meant to provide temporary relief for the pain in your mid back. It is not an “end all” exercise. Lie on a tennis ball🎾, lacrosse ball, or anything else you feel is effective, and work on gently pressing into the ball on either side of your spine while taking slow, deep breathes. Move the ball up/down after each breathe to release the muscles along the entire spine. Don’t just focus on the pain area. • A chiropractic adjustment can sometimes instantly “fix” this pain. Although, we look at the pain as a good thing… it tells you that you have an imbalance in your upper body. Usually, your shoulder blades do not function properly. Tomorrow, we will go over a LONG TERM fix for mid back pain… working those blades!!! Everyone who has a rib “pop out” does not have proper control of their scapulae… EVERY TIME! A Chiro adjustment can fix it, but the chances of it popping out again are HIGH unless you address the root cause of the issue… weakness. • Ribs are meant to move to help us breathe that means they are more flexible than most bone. The problem is that through improper • Want more help from us? Head over to MoveU and enroll in the Forever Fix program. Our online program allows us to help people all over the world. Learn more, and begin improving today at https://moveu.com


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