Does Grounding Your Child Work Dad University
Grounding kids has been used for years as parents thought it was a great alternative to physical discipline. Unfortunately it's a parenting trap. • Like in prison, when kids are grounded , they focus their attention on the mean people who punished them, rather than what they actually did wrong or how what they did effected other people. • In this video, Jason goes over a few different scarious in which grounding would be a common punishment. Instead Jason offers solutions on how you can handle the situation differently and have your child learn in the process. • Our job as parents is to teach our kids the ways of the world. Grounding our kids is not going to help them be moral and ethical children. In fact it typically does the opposite, teaching them to be better liars and simply get better at avoiding being caught. • 🔔 Subscribe to this channel: • / @daduniversity • PARENTING PROGRAM: This is Jason’s signature course to help you go from confused to confident father. If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself as a father and taking action, book a call to speak with us: • FREE ONLINE PARENTING CLASS: Learn the secrets of being a better father. Jason has put together a free online parenting webinar class: 6 Proven Strategies to Be a Better Father. You can register for the class here: • SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL: / @daduniversity • BUSINESS INQUIRIES: [email protected] • Don't forget to visit our website: • #grounding #discipline