20 Minuten Meditationsmusik • Durchschlafen und Ausschlafen • Meditation Musik

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=VRS8y68E46Q

This 20 minute meditation music is a short journey with the sounds of nature to help you fall asleep, sleep through the night and sleep in. Many people have the problem of not being able to fall asleep due to recurring negative thoughts. The mediation music can help for 20 minutes. Sleeping through and sleeping in is now possible. • ✦ HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL ✦ • • SUBSCRIBE the channel: http://bit.ly/2Salg7s • Take a look at the LEISEmagazin: https://leisemagazin.de/ • Patreon:   / leise   • PayPal donation: https://bit.ly/2VzidXU • ✦ SOCIAL MEDIA ✦ • • Facebook:   / leisemagazin   • Instagram:   / leise.magazin   • Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/LEISEmagazin/ • LinkedIn:   / leise-magazin-989ba51a5   • Twitter:   / leisemagazin   • ✦ LIVE YOGA MEDITATION ✦ •   / yogamitcharly   • With LEISE I would like to create a place of rest and relaxation for many people. That's why I opened this channel and founded the LEISEmagazin. THANK YOU for your support. Read by subscription, like or article. :) • The strenght is to be found in serenity. • We humans long for retreat, rest and relaxation. The world around us becomes even louder, more hectic and sometimes unmanageable. We sleep restlessly, are stressed and want the silence of the night. But then the head begins to speak. • ✦ FOR BETTER SLEEP, YOGA AND MEDITATIONS✦ • Books • Meditation for working people: https://amzn.to/2Pit4U3 • Meditation for beginners: https://amzn.to/3a3ZGc5 • Meditation exercises: https://amzn.to/2HU198w • Sleep works wonders: https://amzn.to/2SSVLZE • Sleep formula for women: https://amzn.to/32mqm4Z • Eckhart Tolle NOW !: https://amzn.to/3a0ewjC • Furnishing • Yoga mat nature: https://amzn.to/37XZiKt • Yoga block: https://amzn.to/2T6hzQy • Meditation cushion: https://amzn.to/2Vo8bux • Incense sticks Ambrosia: https://amzn.to/37VKaNT • Singing bowl: https://amzn.to/2Vof1jk • Tarot cards: https://amzn.to/3c2mjPH • ✦ WHY ARE RELAXATION AND MEDITATION SO IMPORTANT? ✦ • Meditation can be a very good balance in a stressful and hectic everyday life, to create a small, beneficial break for the mind and to find back to yourself. Because not only our body needs regular relaxation and rest. • With the right relaxation music and meditation, the path to inner serenity and silence is easier for you than, for example, sitting in front of the TV or in a crowded subway. • Bringing our minds to rest and the constantly complaining voice in our heads is probably the hardest task of the 21st century. However, behind it there is a space of infinite rest and concentration. We stop judging and act out of a field of love and affection. • You will feel an immediate improvement in your lifestyle and sleep through regular meditation and relaxation. You find it easier to fall asleep and recharge your energy. • Have fun with 20 minutes of meditation music sleep through the night and sleep in. • We lose ourselves in thoughts that cannot find a way to be processed. • Like its name, this place stands for the alternative to the stressful world that robs us of energy. These sounds serve your inner peace, more serenity and your well-being. Whether soothing sounds during work, meditation, music for relaxation, learning, studying, sleep meditation, concentration yoga exercises, for relaxation or for falling asleep: • Lean back and switch the world to QUIET. • ✦ SUBSCRIBE the channel: http://bit.ly/2Salg7s ✦ • The links marked with * are affiliate links from Amazon. • #meditation music # meditation20min # sleep through and sleep well


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