Massive blackhead removal inside a dermatology clinic DrAMAZINGSKIN


Blackhead extraction is a common dermatological procedure that is often performed in clinics. However, the removal of blackheads or whiteheads should be individualized according to several factors. Therefore, before beginning a comedone extraction session, it is essential to obtain a proper patient history and perform a relevant dermatological and systemic examination. • Important factors to consider during pre-assessment include: • 1. The severity of blackheads. • 2. The severity of associated acne vulgaris. • 3. The presence of any other comorbidities in the patient. • 4. The patient's expectations. • 5. The location of the blackheads. • 6. The risk of secondary infections. • While there are various methods for blackhead removal, it is crucial to consider these factors to determine the most suitable treatment plan for each patient. • #blackheadremoval • #blackheads • ‪@Dr.AMAZINGSKIN‬ • We have taken a one photo from dreamstime to produce this educational video.Our gratitude to them.


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