Ford F150 Raptor Touch Up Project Fender Flare Rash
Ford F-150 Raptor Touch Up Project • 0:00 - Intro • 0:33 - Check Color/ Test Card • 0:45 - Remove Bumper/ Access Damage • 1:45 - Dry Sand (500 grit) • 2:41 - TouchUpDirect Putty • 3:18 - Wet Sand (500 grit) • 4:38 - Wet Sand (800 grit) • 4:53 - Clean with Wax/ Grease Wipe • 5:23 - Primer (2 coats) • 6:19 - Wet Sand (1500 grit) • 6:53 - Paint/ Color (1st Coat) • 8:18 - Paint/ Color (2nd Coat) • 8:53 - Clear • 9:41 - Clear (2nd) • 10:43 - Products Used • Today, we'll be working touching up some trail rash on the fender flares of this Ford F-150 Raptor folks today. • We're going to use the TouchUpDirect Aerosol Kit today to fix that damage. • This will work on any 2017 and newer Raptor and possibly the first gen as well. • As always, check your color with the test card first. • The color is called Magnetic and is a common Ford color, but what's uncommon is that it is matte finish. So we had this develop the correct clear coat for the part and for the color. • I don't know why Ford hasn't made it more readily available, but we did develop the color for it. So that it'll match really nicely to the truck. And the clear coat will match as well. • To get started, just dry sand some of these areas where it's gouged. You can also wet sand. I'm using 500 for this. • After sanding with 500, use the Touch Up Direct Putty. That'll fill in that scratch. Then sand that off. • Let the putty dry then sand it smooth. • Wet sand it with some 500. • Scuff the rest of the part to get it ready for paint. Clean it. • Let it dry. • Apply some primer here and then we'll apply color. • Paint over it and clear coat it. • Switch to 800 to rub all the sanding scratches out and then it will be ready for primer. • After I finished wet sanding it, wash it again with Dawn dish detergent. • Use the wax and grease wipe and wipe the whole thing down just for one last cleaning to make sure there's no residual of any type of chemicals or anything on the part. • After the wax and grease is dry, use the tack cloth. • Only focus on the areas you're going to be spraying the primer at the moment. • Just going to put a light coat of primer there, let it dry. • Another light coat and then wet sand that nice and smooth before we paint the entire part. • Now that the primer is dry,tack it again quickly. • Ready for the next coat of primer. • Now that the primer is dry, we're ready to wet sand it.I'm going to use 1500 to make it nice and smooth. There's a few small scratches still • showing up here. These scratches will hardly be noticeable. • Okay. It's time to clean it up again. Anything around the home that you can prop something up with to raise it and you're able to get a better uniform • coat of color is really helpful. So I've cleaned the part that's after sanding it nice and smooth now. • Feel the part to see if there's any roughness where the primer transitions to color. • Once it's nice and smooth, you're ready to apply color. • Go over it with the tack cloth to eliminate any dust. • Okay. First coat complete. We're going to let that dry to a nice matte uniform finish. About 10 to 15 minutes and apply another coat. • Okay. The first coat is dry.We're just going to wipe very lightly with the tack cloth again. Pick up any residual dust. Now we're going to apply the second coat. That's it. • Okay. Coat is dry. We're just going to wipe very lightly with the tack cloth. Again, pick up any residual dust. The clear coat we're going to use on this is a matte finish.There's about five variations of matte finish, and it's pretty much a perfect match, a perfect reflection and dullness. • So the matte finish is just like applying any other clear, you just need thorough coverage. • I've already inspected the entire part to make sure that the color coat covered all the primer. • We're just looking for good coverage here. We don't need a ton of clear coat. Um, maybe two coats max. Initially, it's going to look like it's glossy until it dries. • First coats on we'll let that dry. • Coat is dry. • Wipe very lightly with the tack cloth. Again, pick up any residual dust. • Okay, we're ready for our next coat of clear coat.This dried really nice and uniform. We want to put one more coat on just for extra protection. It's a common misconception that more paint and more clear coat is better. It's not really the case over time.It can affect the longevity of the paint. • If you have too much paint or a clear coat.So we're going to put one more coat on, let it dry. Then it's ready to be mounted back on the Raptor. • Take a quick look, make sure I have good coverage. Then we'll let that dry. • Now that the paint's dry, we're ready to bolt this back onto the Raptor. • For this project, we use the TouchUpDirect Aerosol Primer, Color, or Base Coat and TouchUpDirect Clear Coat Aerosol.We also use the TouchUpDirect Putty, sandpaper, tack cloth, and wax and grease remover. • Instagram: / touchupdirect • Facebook: / touchupdirect • Twitter: / touchupdirect