Gaahl of Gorgoroth interview Inspiration amp Thoughts on Christianity


0:18 Introduction • 0:40: Gamakas in relation with Sarali and Tharasthayee Varisais • 1:00 Introduction to Gamakas / Flute Techniques • 1:20 Kampita Gamaka / Oscillation • 2:00 Sarali Varisai with and without Gamakas • 3:13 Kampita Gamaka in Detail • Notes can be played simply without Gamakas, but to make music sound pleasing one should connect notes with intermediary notes or Gamakas / techniques. Gamaka can be understood as decorative details done on a note or between two notes. Gamaka is any graceful turn, curve or cornering touch given to a single note or a group of notes, which adds emphasis to each raga's individuality. • Kampita Gamaka is also known as Oscillation in Western Music. This is one of the fundamental Gamaka in Carnatic Music. • Please find more details on Gamakas here: • • Please add your comments and suggestions below. Please don't forget to like and subscribe to this channel. If you have any questions feel free to add as comments, when I get time I will definitely reply. • #CarnaticFlute #KarnaticFlute #Bhooma_Flute #Bhooma_Parthasarathi_Flute #Gamakas #OscillationInFlute #VibratoFlute #using_vibrato_on_flute #Learn_Flute_with_Bhooma_Flute #Learn_Flute #Learn_Flute #Learn_Music #Flute_Tutorial #CarnaticMusic #CarnaticFlute #FluteFingering


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