Trommel build explanation of the screen build
Trommel build continues with an explanation of how we are constructing the screen and attaching it to the bike rims. I lack the ability and time to edit the longer video showing the construction of the screen, so we created this clip to supplement the build for those currently following along. • Trommel Screen is made with two sections of 24 inch (60.96 cm) hardware screen with 1/4 by 1/4 inch (6.35mm) mesh. • The rims have an inside diameter of about 21.25 inch (53.975 cm) • MATH • length of screen needed = Pi*Diameter • 3.1415*21.5 = 66.75 inch • plus overlap 3.25 inch • 66.75 + 2.25 = 70 inches • length of screen needed per section = 70 inches (177.8 cm) • Subscribe link • • Our product store: •