Coan Hold Rows for a stronger grip back and core


Coan Holds (one of the secrets for grip strength pioneered by the legendary @edcoan) are one of the best exercises you can do for improving your grip strength. • The Coan Hold is a killer grip exercise done in the power rack where you stand beside the bar, grip it in the center with one hand, then lift it off the rails and just HOLD. • Ed Coan was able to hold more than 400 lbs doing this for a significant amount of time. • Having met him in person, I can verify his grip strength is STILL monstrous because of all the work he did on it (in addition to his hand structure, which is ridiculous). • This version is going to take a page from the original and add in one-arm dumbbell rows. • It's very'll be pulling a barbell up against the bottom of the safety rails of the power rack, doing an isometric hold while you're doing a one-arm dumbbell row with the other arm. • It's simple but it's definitely not easy! • Set the rails to about 18 to 24 inches off the ground. • Set the barbell on the floor below the rails then load it. I'm using 135 lbs on the bar here and it's challenging. Start a bit lighter then work your way up as you see how much you can grip. • Make sure you're gripping in the center of the bar so that you don't have to deal with the bar tilting forward or backward. I recommend doing a quick test lift to see where your balance is at. • Now pull the bar up against the rails and lift the dumbbell off the ground. Your barbell-gripping arm should be relatively straight, similar to the start position of the dumbbell row. This will help you keep your shoulders horizontal. • Start rowing. Your upper arm should end up in line with your need to pull it higher. • You can take a rest between sides and make sure to keep the workload even. • #madscientistofmuscle #coanholds #gripstrength #griptraining #gripexercise #edcoan #gripworkout #forearmtraining #barbellholds #strongergrip #dumbbellrow #onearmdumbbellrow #dumbbellrowexercise #powerrack #gripexercises #core #coretraining #coreexercise


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