Replacing Harbor Freight Generator Head Gasket With Homemade One
My little Harbor Freight 800 watt generator blew a head gasket. A head bolt came loose and burnt through the head gasket. The engine was running poorly. I finally decided to make my own head gasket and get my generator running well again. • I got a huge flat sheet of head gasket material at NAPA Auto for only about $14 a while back for this job. I finally got around to fixing my little generator. • It is a very simple task which only took me about an hour or so. I pulled off the spark plug wire first. Next I took off the two screws holding on the plastic shroud. • Then it was a simple four bolts to remove the generator engine head. • The head gasket was clearly burnt through and the cylinder and head both had some crud built up on them where the gases had been blowing through. I am surprised this tiny little 2 cycle engine was still running at all. • I traced out the original head gasket onto the flat gasket material with a pen. • Then I cut it with some heavy duty scissors around the outside. I did not have to be perfect. Square works fine for this job. • The hard part was cutting out the metal and rubberized head gasket material. I ended up using a drill to put holes all the way around the inside of the head gasket where I needed to cut out the center. • Then I used a carpet knife to finish the job. Again the drill was used to drill out the bolt holes. • I used a rubber mallet and a piece of wood to flatten the new homemade generator head gasket before taking it outside to mount onto my generator. • The new DIY head gasket slipped right onto my HF generator cylinder with ease. • I put the head on and screwed it down. • Now for the test run. • It fired and sputtered a bit but would not run. A bit tighter on the bolts and then another try at running the generator. • I did not want to torque the bolts down too far. I did not want to damage the soft aluminum cylinder. • The engine started right up and ran well. • Success. • Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead. • • Please donate to help keep The Off Grid Project going: • Join The Off Grid Project and The Do It Yourself World forum and share your ideas, tips and projects. • • The Off Grid Project is presented by The Do It Yourself World. •