Matlab π©βπ» Plots
A plot is a visual representation of the data and is especially valuable to analyze data graphically. You can plot with the plot(x,y) function. In the incubator example, we may want to see how the temperature changes with time. The x-axis may be time and y-axis may be the data. In an incubator, graphs could be used for a number of things. Some could be heater percentage, egg temperature, and much more. In the code below, graphs can have lines that are formatted as dashed lines: • plot(x,y,'r--') • • Changing values for x and y will change the points that are plotted for the lines. The r means that the line is red and the -- means that the same line is dashed. Here is a list of additional line modifiers to change the color, data marker style, and line style. • --- Color --- --- Data Style --- --- Line Style --- • b blue . point - solid • g green o circle : dotted • r red x x-mark -. dashdot • c cyan + plus -- dashed • m magenta * star (none) no line • y yellow s square • k black d diamond • w white v triangle (down) • Use the hold on command to not replace the prior line. • • π©π» Course Overview: • π©π» Source Files on GitHub: • π©π» TCLab: • π©π» Additional Online Courses: