Sympatria Thomas Asanger
To purchase or for more info go to • SYMPATRIA – a concert march for wind band - was commissioned by leading conductor Walter Rescheneder for the Upper Austrian wind band association and the newspaper OÖ Nachrichten on the occasion of the contest Best of Blasmusik . It was nominated as compulsory test piece at the contest finale for traditional band music in the great hall of the Brucknerhaus Linz on November 19, 2017. The title is a creation of two Latin words: sym (together) and patria (homeland), stating that home is less a question of geographical origin but rather a feeling of social belongingness. Home is were we feel at home. • Correlating with this idea, the first theme of the piece begins unisono and evolves after a few measures to a bright poliphonic sound. The same happens in the trio part, also developing a counterpoint melody in the fifth measure that originates in the octave of the melody. • Johannes Peer wrote lyrics for the melody, trying to give the idea of home a new definition, leaving any propagandistic, nationalistic ideology aside and addressing the idea of human diversity as a part of a common home. • Der Schmäh is‘ un-ser Herz-bluat, • der Grant un-ser Ven-tü. • Su-dern kin-na ma guad • und ah so vü. • Gånz gleich, aus wel-chem Hoiz ma gschnitzt san, • pfeilgråd o-der ver-bog’n, • ål-le sam-ma vom sel-ben Bam, • den haut’s so schnell net um.“ • _______________________________________________________________________________________ • © Copyright 2017 by RUNDEL Publications / Musikverlag GmbH • D-88430 Rot an der Rot • International Copyright secured · All rights reserved · Alle Rechte vorbehalten. •