Short retro country singing backing track Unfinished song No62


Short retro country singing backing track for singer / songwriter / lyricist to write and record a song with. Wav file of backing track available at Join here:    / @unfinishedsongs   • Please post your version of the song to Youtube and link to it in the comments of this video :) • If you use the track to make a song for an upload to Youtube or for a non-commercial reason please consider either joining my channel or making a donation via my website: • You have permission to use this backing track to make a song to upload to Youtube and don't need to worry about copyright for that. • However, if you'd like to use this track for a commercial purpose (e.g. to upload to Spotify etc via a music distributor) please contact me to purchase a non exclusive licence for it. You can contact me via the email address shown on my about page:    / unfinishedsongs  . • You do not have permission to content ID a song that uses this backing track. • If you'd like to support Unfinished Songs and have a greater say in the next video please consider joining to become a member: • Pinned comment linking to your song video using using my backing track. • Early access to backing tracks and access to the members' only community tab where you can request / vote for the style etc of the next Unfinished Song (higher level member's votes rank higher):    / @unfinishedsongs   • Request member only videos via the community tab (e.g. how-to videos, tutorials and music and recording advice) and to ask me questions, which I'll try my best to answer. • For backing tracks No.58 onwards where there is more than one instrument a link in the community tab to the individual instrument wavs so you can make your own mix and alter the arrangement. • Big thanks to anyone who joins / has joined :)


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