Northern Songs The Mountains of Mourne
Newry baritone Ben McAteer performs 'The Mountains of Mourne' by Percy French, accompanied by pianist Ruth McGinley, in Newcastle in his home county, Co. Down. • In our new series, 'Northern Songs', join some of Northern Ireland’s best known opera singers as they take you to their home county or city and perform a selection of art songs composed by Northern Irish or Irish composers. ‘Northern Songs’ is a set of eight short films showcasing this beautiful country’s stunning locations, landscapes and historic monuments with songs performed by Giselle Allen, Doreen Curran, Carolyn Dobbin and Ben McAteer with pianist Ruth McGinley. These films were directed by Marty Stalker and produced by Causway Pictures. • Whether you have visited these locations before, or perhaps might plan to do so once the public health situation allows, we are celebrating Northern Irish opera talent, landscapes, landmarks and the musical history of some of the stunning locations Northern Ireland has in abundance. • The films will be released each Thursday here at 8pm and announced weekly on our website and social media channels. • #embraceagiantspirit #fillyourheartwithireland #discoverni