Unsociable Full Episode Ongezellig AI English Dub
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Vkgjl0WELko
Maya is Unsociable • --------------------------------- • After god knows how long I've wrangled with RVC, screaming into the mic and putting this all together, I'm finally proud to present an English dub to this gemmy little Dutch webseries. • I won't bore you with the details, but I did choose to be very liberal in regards to how the dialogue would be spoken and what words I felt needed to be changed or added in order to make it all flow a bit better to English ears. • Of course, there are a few hiccups that keeps it from what I consider to be truly great (mainly the fact that characters cannot scream due to the limited voice data I had to work with from the original parts) but with what I've managed to put together, I'm satisfied with what I've got. • It should be made abundantly clear that I DID NOT ANIMATE THIS, all of the work that originally went into making Ongezellig was done by Studio Massa and his team. I only made the dub. I am not associated with Massa or any of his colleagues that has worked with him, this was made out of my own volition and tools at my disposal to make this dub possible. If Massa or any of the VAs happen to see this video, I do not mean any disrespect with the use of their voices, this was made purely for fun and because I really like this series and figured I'd make a English version just cause. • If you haven't already go check out the original parts to Ongezellig here: • Ongezellig • As well, check out Studio Massa's channel: / @studiomassaanimatie • And uh, subscribe if you'd like (Though maybe not because of this video since idk if I'd do anymore dubs like this).