Nabadda by Gerald Mukasa


Early 1970s Uganda kadongo kamu music by Gerald Mukasa. • Gerald Mukasa, alongside artists such as Christopher Ssebaduka, Dan Mugula, Bernard Nsubuga, was a leading Kadongo kamu musician. Kadongo kamu is a Uganda guitar-based narrative-song genre that has been around from the time that the guitar was introduced into Ugandan popular syncretic music. It gained prominence in the 1950s as gramophones became widely available. Gerald Mukasa, who hails from Buddu (located in Masaka district of central Uganda), had a number of kadongo kamu hits, including Mini-skirt, Mpawo atalifa, Kyakwambala, Abayingira mu bar, Kaneddireyo (also locally known as kaneddireyo e'Masaka). Nabadda was a 1973 major-hit, which Gerald released on his own label, Re-Craft. The song received considerable air time on Radio Uganda, and was a favorite across the country. • Nabadda (English translation) • Fellow countrymen, beautifull things are endless, • In my county of Buddu, there resides a girl named Nabadda, • But, alas, her second name escapes me, • Nabadda, your grace is unparalleled, • Dear Mama Nabadda, you radiate, • Many are entranced by Nabadda's beauty, • Upon entering the church, all eyes are fixed upon her, • Even the preacher's words hardly register, • Nabadda, you transcend all, • Nabadda, your elegance is profound. • They gaze at the babe in her resplendent gomesi, • Behold the babe adorned in the lesu cloth, • Nabadda, you are a cut above the rest, • Nabadda, your elegance is unmatched. • You see, taxi drivers are forever captivated by her charm, • When she boards a taxi, it's a free ride, Mama, • Look, there were four men whose bicycles were stolen, • Their hearts and souls were ensnared by the babe, • My darling's manicured nails are sharper than a leopard's claws, • Her polished teeth gleam like a second mirror, • Nabadda, your grace is undeniable, • Nabadda, you stand out. • But I haven't seen you since you departed, • She possesses a striking beauty, my beloved, • Her complexion is as rich as a Mercedes Benz battery, • Mama Nabadda, you dazzle, • Nabadda, you are exceptional, • She developed a booty which is a marvel, oh someone's brood! • Just the other day, four white men were cruising in a Benz, • The driver spotted Nabadda and took his hands off the wheel to wave to her, • When he refocused on the road, the car had overturned, Oh tata! • Nabadda, your elegance is undeniable, • Mama Nabadda, you lead the way. • There was a white man bound for America, • His flight was scheduled for 11, • He spotted Nabadda and whisked her away to dance, • By the time they finished, the plane had already departed without him, • He returned to the dancehall, hoping to find Nabadda, • But she had already left with someone with a fancy car, • The poor man wept bitterly, • He had lost Nabadda and missed his flight, • It was a time of profound sorrow, an egg-shaker (a heart-wrenching moment) • And as for you, heedless cyclist, • If you dare harm Nabadda, you'll face dire consequences and be wrapped in a sack, • Nabadda, you are the epitome of grace, • All you braggarts boasting of your conquests, • If I catch you flirting with Nabadda, and I happen to have an axe, • Your fate will be grim, Oh tata! • Nabadda, my dearest, • I had plans to buy a Benz, • But perhaps it's wiser to charter a rocket to the moon, • To leave Earth behind us, • (Nabadda poses a query): But what will we eat on the moon? • (Gerald answers): Do you think I asked you without considering my means? • To quite appreciate Nabadda’s figure and beautiful face, • She came in second place in the recent beauty contest, • Nabadda, your elegance is undeniable, • Mama Nabadda, you dazzle. • And as I bid adieu to classy Nabadda, • Here are bye-byes filled with love and kwaheri mama • More about Gerald Mukasa and other Ugandan musicians in the period 1880 to 1980 will be recounted in an upcoming book on Uganda's syncretic music evolution by the Ugandan author and physician, Dr. Robert Bwire (Bugs in Armor: a history of malaria and solidering; Ashes of Faith: a dommsday cult's orchestration of mass murder in Africa; Chain of Spring love; Polder frivolotities and eccentricities). • Picture: Mengo African Orchestra of brothers John Bbosa and Serunkuma (courtesy of Mr. John Luggya) • • -Video Upload powered by


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