Perder Peso Bailando en Casa para Principiantes
#perderpeso #baile #cardio #dance # 22min • Losing Weight Dancing at Home for Beginners • Hi, beautiful! How are you? • Today I present to you one of my favorite routines since I started the Canal de Sientete Joven. It is a dance routine dedicated in special and with great affection to all those beautiful girls who suffer from some injury, pathology or disability that prevent you from making impact routines or of greater intensity. This routine is perfect for you and also for those who are starting or restarting your physical activity, you are beginners and you should increase the intensity of the exercises progressively. • Of course indicate that if neither of the two previous cases is your case but you like dancing and have fun like me, do not stop doing it, you will love it! • We dance different styles, from Latin styles (merengue, pasodoble, salsa, cha cha chá), going through rock and roll, charlestón and folk and ending with the Vals. Through each song and in just 20 minutes of the routine, we will work on each of the areas of our body: arms, legs, waist, back ... in a fun and very entertaining way. • It is a Cardio routine and as in previous cases, these routines serve to mobilize and burn body fat. You can do it alone or combine it with any other Canal routine, such as toning routines, thus increasing total caloric intake. It is also ideal to do it in the morning to activate all the positive energy for the rest of the day (I'm happy). • • I hope you like it! • Fondly • Mary • Facebook: mmsientetejoven • Instagram: mmsientetejoven