HOW TO Get Rid of Chigger Bites and Stop Itching Naturally


Probably one of the most annoying things ever is chigger bites. We are going to teach you how to get rid of chigger bites fast and easy through a few simple tips. Also learn how to identify a chigger bite and more amazing tricks to relieve your itching here: • First, you must learn how to identify a chigger bite. Understand that they can be confused for many different illnesses and insect bites. Chiggers are actually classified as mites and thrive outside during the summer in the warm months feeding on blood and little food sources. • To get rid of a chigger rash, don't confuse or use any of the old wives tales that are commonly used. These mites don't actually get attached in your skin or burrow into your body. Instead, by the time you realize they have bitten you and are scratching, they have already fallen off and are long gone. This mean applying nail polish to ensure they die and fall out won't work. However, applying nail polish to distract you from the itching feeling will. • Oatmeal has been used by many people to help your skin heal and to stop the itching. Simply crush up some oatmeal, cook it, and leave the paste on your skin for a few minutes. The compounds in the oatmeal will neutralize the allergens. For an alternative, fill an old sock with crushed oatmeal, and place in your bathtub full of hot water. After about 10 minutes, get it and wash in the bath. The oatmeal sock will leak and help cure your bug bites. The is a great way to make a homemade paste to stop bug bites from itching. • Taking a hot shower also works well. The hot shower will open up your boors and remove any remaining chiggers on your body. After the shower, apply a cold ice pack to restrict the blood and nutriet flow to your bites to prevent further itching fast. • I recommend applying some Vick's Vaporub directly onto what you think may be a chigger bite. Calamine lotion and other anti-itching creams can be applied to your skin on the bite as well. I also recommend drawing a circle in pen around your bug bite. This will allow you to check the growth and decline of the allergic reaction to notice if there is any infection within the next few hours. If the bite worsens, or your experience any other symptoms, visit a doctor as soon as possible for best results.


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